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2022 CIFF Official
Under 18 Selections

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Candyland Circus

Ray Elena Ostrow


Candyland Circus is a virtual circus show with performance, direction, and editing from current members and alumni in the San Francisco Youth Circus. It was made as a fundraiser for new equipment and the youth program scholarship fund.



Morrison Helton


Hat juggling act combining musicality and the exploration of juggling with feet.

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How I Learned to Fly

Aohdan Lane


A young autistic boy in the middle of a pandemic is forced to move across country when his father loses his job. Struggling to make connections, he becomes rigid in his routines. With the help of his parents, he begins to search for connections. Through many comical attempts, he finds his community and learns to fly. This poignant film highlights the challenges many children with disabilities have faced during the Covid 19 pandemic.


Izzi Kessner


In this film, I explore the experience of being misgendered and not accepted as a transgender person through movement on aerial rope/corde lisse.

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Second Home

Alaina Jacklyn Werge


I interviewed members of the Performance Troupe at CircEsteem to find out what exactly the organization means to them.

Circus International Film Festival

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